Python 3 with MongoDB – Part Two

In the first part of this tutorial we installed pymongo , connected to the database, created a collection, inserted a few documents and then retrieved the documents back out of MongoDB. In this tutorial we’ll go through updating a document and deleting a document. Different ways to create and update Save Save will perform an…

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Samba 4.0 released

Samba 4.0 has been released which includes full Active Directory support. I will be looking into running a small domain controller and will post a few tutorials showing how to get everything setup with both Windows and Linux. Official wiki HOWTO here:

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Description: A simple program that will, by default, lock Windows in 3 seconds. This time delay can be changed by editing the .config file or by passing in a new value (in milliseconds) as the first argument. The count down can be aborted by pressing space. By passing in ‘restart’ or ‘shutdown’ as the second…

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